Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Louisiana Sunset

I have family that live out in Lake Providence, Louisiana. Every few years we would try to drive out there to visit for a few days. Honestly, it is a small country town so there isn't much going on. Which is why I don't like going all the way out there all the time. It does have a nice charm. Like my uncle's dock that stretches into the lake. That is the perfect place to fish and layout. It was also really close to the house, since the lake was technically in the backyard.

One summer we went out there a few months after I got my first DSLR. I wanted to take a picture of the sunset over the lake (this was before I realized how cliche it was). My little sister, Emily, was really really into dance at this point, so I had her do some leaps and jeté. Here is my all time favorite from that night :)